Category: Blogs

  • Advantages of Partnering with Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher

    Advantages of Partnering with Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher

    Introduction You will learn about the the advantages of partnering with Microsoft Authorized Refurbisher in this post. Here we aims to explain the concept of the Microsoft Authorized program and focus on its benefits to the readers. Efficiency and cost-effectiveness are extremely valuable in the businesses world and Vision IT is well aware of this…

  • Cost-Effective Licensing Solutions for Existing Computers

    Cost-Effective Licensing Solutions for Existing Computers

    Introduction In the recent times, peer-to-peer innovations and creations are an emerging continuous trend. Therefore, ensuring that your computer systems are equipped with viable software license is paramount. The process of get license can turn out to be copping a big bill as it is in the case of small business budgeting. This is where…

  • The Importance of Genuine Windows Licenses for Refurbished Computers

    The Importance of Genuine Windows Licenses for Refurbished Computers

    The Importance of Genuine Windows Licenses for Pre-owned Computers There is nothing better for those of us who are conscious of how much they spend as the renewed computers are a great option for such people. Surely, though, the operating system is another key point that tends to be forgotten. Preowned computers with a genuine…

  • How much energy & materials are used to manufacture 1 computer?

    Introduction Computers being an indispensable part of our daily lives have been making a significant environmental impact when it comes to manufacturing them. As many as energy and materials are necessary for the production of a single computer, which is an energy-intensive process. Realizing the meaning of computer manufacture’s environmental impact is critical for fostering…

  • What do we mean by Pre-Owned or Refurbished Computers?

    What do we mean by Pre-Owned or Refurbished Computers?

    Introduction What does pre-owned or refurbished computers mean? Used or refurbished computers are machines that have been previously used by another user and have been modified or refurbished by replacing defective parts. These computers are usually sold as reconditioned computers. These are available from vendors with pre-qualification and quality guarantees and are often available at…